Cultural Equity Learning Community

Banner art feature — Subodh Gupta, This is not a fountain, 2011-13

The Cultural Equity Learning Community is launching soon, powered by ACI in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture and The Boston Foundation.


When addressing equity within the United States landscape, including, but not limited to, equity within the arts, it is impossible to escape the nation’s history of slavery, genocide, and oppression, leading to systemic and institutionalized racism, sexism, classism, xenophobia, ableism, and, more directly, the rise and valuation of patriarchal white supremacy as the founding blocks of this nation.

Boston’s arts and culture sector reproduces institutional and systemic oppression through upholding and centering white supremacist structures, often unconsciously. Boston is not unique in this, nor is the arts and culture sector. This manifests in predominantly white- founded, white-led and white-funded arts and culture organizations and institutions in Boston.

If you are a white leader in the arts and culture sector, and/or work with a predominately white institution, we invite you to join us for a cultural equity learning community, including a go-at-your-own pace learning course with 2 units and complimentary wrap-around learning support.

1. Weekly “lectures” on various topics related to racial equity
2. Weekly “homework” assignments to dive deeper into the various topic areas
3. Bi-weekly “drop-in” anti-racism accomplice spaces (white peer held spaces)
4. Peer-to-peer partnership for learning support and accountability (matching based on learning objectives, trajectory in your org and equity journey, etc.)
5. Monthly “expert panels” by BIPOC arts and culture leaders in Boston

1) Reduce harm towards BIPOC leaders working in the arts and culture sector
2) Increase skill sets and accountability of white arts and culture sector leaders
3) Deeply examine what it means to build anti-racist co-conspiratorship within the sector
4) Deeply examine what it means to build anti-racist arts and culture organizations

If you are interested in anti-oppression work please fill out the interest form below.

Black Lives Matter rally, Boston June 2020

Black Lives Matter rally, Boston June 2020